23 December 2010

In the tradition of following Amanda's lead, here is my Airing of Grievances for the Festivus season...

1. I am tired of people not even attempting to have an open mind about ANYTHING! It makes me sick and saddened that so many people have such closed-off minds--yet I am the one that is considered stupid and in need of being educated...

2. I cannot tolerate any longer the abuse, misuse and general torture of our language. Hey, dumb-asses, consider the following:
a. Using 'myself' instead of 'me' does NOT make you sound more intelligent.
Example: "Please contact Bob or myself if you have further questions." No, do not say this again!
b. Using a pronoun directly after a proper noun is just simply ignorant.
Example: " My sister Susan, she said hello." This is something you should have learned in 3rd grade.
c. Not using spell-check is nothing short of sheer laziness! This is inexcusable, period.
d. If you speak English, there is no need to pronounce your foreign name with the accent and emphasis of the native language you used to speak. You are here now.

3. I am tired of the partisan politics being one-sided. I am a left-of-center moderate. All you right-wing-nut-job-tea-baggers need to see #1 above.

4. The left lane on the roadway is for PASSING other vehicles. If you are driving slower than someone else or just cruising down the road oblivious to anything around you, then get in the fucking right-hand lane and stay there! YOU are the hazard, ass-monkey!

Ahh, I feel so much better...

Happy Festivus!!!


21 December 2010

Another year almost gone. But what a year it's been. Great living, clearer view, big changes and unobstructed path. What else could I need? A HUGE secret to be revealed soon. Stay tuned...

About Me

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For those who don't know me that way... I spend most of my energies contemplating life and everyone in it- mostly feeding on a combination of fascination and frustration, which is most of what I feel for the world at large...

Good Night!

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