26 January 2008

A Secularist laugh.

Thanks Amanda! This says it all...

20 January 2008

WOW!!!! 1.20.08

I just looked at the calendar and realized today's significance!

ONLY ONE YEAR LEFT!!!!! 1.20.09

That's right folks; only one year until King George is gone for good, and all his horsemen-of-the-Apocalypse are out of town. And I do mean farther than K Street!!!! It is much too sad they have left a seven year trail of destruction in their wake...
Perhaps a parting gift (read: stimulus package) will purchase him something good said in the books years from now. Just goes to show you what money will buy...or not!
So, let today be the countdown to better times. We have a rocky road ahead in the next 12 months, but lets all hang in there. It will get better. As a wise man once said, "I've been here before and lived to the thrill of it all..."

18 January 2008


A song in my head today, something like this...

Tread carefully, leave no tracks behind;
Move easily, don't stack what you find;
Breathe deeply, always look ahead;
Wide open there's a space time won't touch.
When you're feeling insecure do you treasure it?
You should treasure it...
Feel the pull of nature's course and treasure it
Oh, I treasure it!
We'll have our turn to use what we've learned;
And stand into the light of our lives;
So please yourself, feed yourself;
Take a seat for this coming attraction...

I said- wide open there's a space time won't touch...

Any questions?
(Thanks Cy and fellas.)

12 January 2008

Oh crap...

HOLY MIKE!!!!!Guitar Hero 3 ROCKS!!!! My friend Matt was here into the wee hours last night also playing the game which has now converted me into yet another pseudo-musician! Damn it! I was not going to get hooked... have I failed myself and my true talent? I suppose I'll be OK as long as I don't find myself posted on youtube.
It's now Saturday morning, and already it's in my head! Curse you, Wii. Yet another habit to control my free time- and add more years of therapy.

06 January 2008

I offend...

I have a friend who sends me religious items frequently...I understand. And recently, I was forwarded another of those mass-hysteria emails showing muslims demonstrating in England. Granted, some of the slogans of the demonstrators were negative- some would say threatening- and the email included a message from some other fear-monger ("Americans need to know! You need to forward this to everyone. These pictures tell it all!"). Um, yes...
This inspired me to reply "What have American christians done to diffuse this sentiment?" I know it will most probably be interpreted as insulting to his religion, which was not my intent. My point is, do all christians think all muslims are out for world domination? And if so, how is that different from the quest of christians worldwide? Is it a difference of domination method chosen or simple ignorance of the situation... doesn't the attempt offend the other?
As a wise man once said:
...For those who know what's best for us, must rise and save us from ourselves!

About Me

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For those who don't know me that way... I spend most of my energies contemplating life and everyone in it- mostly feeding on a combination of fascination and frustration, which is most of what I feel for the world at large...

Good Night!

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