30 January 2009

Double trouble...

What a morning! I made the mistake of opening my IRA statement after looking at my W-2 and (in totality) it was almost more than I could bear! How much more can I lose before I too am considered worthy of a "bailout"? I forgot I lose half of my income each year to taxes, healthcare and retirement deductions- then find out I've lost 25% of my retirement account just in the last quarter! And if that wasn't enough, just yesterday I hear my employer is considering requiring us to shoulder their portion of our retirement, "voluntarily" give up 2% of salary, and what ever other brilliant ideas they dream up.
Which makes me ask- why does it seem each time goverment begins cost-cutting measures, they always look at the most required services first? I suppose we don't really need Emergency Services or teachers or schools; by all means, let's ensure the landscapers and consultants and politicians all maintain their positions! Because we all know there could never be a city worth living in without these people! Don't you agree?!?!?!?

1 comment:

Amy said...

I agree, Sweet Cheeks. Love the new look on the blog too!


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For those who don't know me that way... I spend most of my energies contemplating life and everyone in it- mostly feeding on a combination of fascination and frustration, which is most of what I feel for the world at large...

Good Night!

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