22 May 2008

general ranting

Another day, much like others... I'm feeling defeated. I have "debates" with people who manage to only convince me of their inability of intellectual thought. I cannot figure out how people cannot transcend whatever inhibitors the may hold-dogma, emotion, ignorance, fear, other-allowing themselves to comprehend any differing opinion just may hold some factual merit. I wish I could once hear from someone "...I understand your point, but I don't agree- therefore we will choose to disagree...".
I suppose what is really eating at me is this: how did it happen that extreemists are the only ones dictating the "truth"?
And anyone caught in between is... lost?

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For those who don't know me that way... I spend most of my energies contemplating life and everyone in it- mostly feeding on a combination of fascination and frustration, which is most of what I feel for the world at large...

Good Night!

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