16 December 2007

A new hope...

So I've been reading "Broken Government" by John Dean (good reading, but I'm sure all the modern conservatives will avoid it like the plague!) and I began to think about our current state of politics...and perhaps now is the time to face the truth. The president and his puppet have done a service to this country which was long needed- to take our government to its lowest point, damaging the foundations of the republic, fracturing the bonds of the people and halting all forward progress- resulting in a lesson for the common folk!
Now that we've all seen first hand the damage which can be done, let us all take heed when the next opportunity arises to place someone in power who does not meet the basic requirements to hold the office- COMPETENCE. INTELLECT. INTEGRITY. REASON.
As the true election season emerges, think long and hard of what the office truly represents, and what the person IN the office should represent, choose cautiously based on the good of the ALL and not the few! And that does include YOU...

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For those who don't know me that way... I spend most of my energies contemplating life and everyone in it- mostly feeding on a combination of fascination and frustration, which is most of what I feel for the world at large...

Good Night!

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