27 December 2007


What a busy few days! The official "gifting" season is completed, and what a bounty we've obtained. Through the blur of it all, I did enjoy the time spent with family and friends.
Here is my thought for today- Why do we wait for the holidays to get together with lost relations and give gifts of affection? Why don't we all do these things during the rest of the year? I, for one, plan to change the way I do business. SO, if during the calender year you receive a random gift- or an invite for dinner- or some other oddity, just remember you were warned here first: My contribution to making the world a better place will include good will randomly practiced upon my fellow humans. (And to think, all this without the silliness of dogma or deity!)
You have been warned!!!


Amy said...

What a great idea. That means we have to keep the house clean, so we can spontaneously invite people over! :)

Amanda said...


Oh and don't keep the house clean for us - we're easy like Sunday Morning!

About Me

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For those who don't know me that way... I spend most of my energies contemplating life and everyone in it- mostly feeding on a combination of fascination and frustration, which is most of what I feel for the world at large...

Good Night!

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